Learning from Past Mistakes: A Focus on Strengths

1 min readSep 17, 2023


Reviewing recently completed courses and recalling a valuable insight gained at Remotion Fest, I pondered whether I should invest more time nurturing my strengths rather than dwelling on my weaknesses. This perspective also extends to paying attention to my subordinates at work.

I can’t recall if it was in the Soft Skills course, but I remember it coming from the book we read with my English teacher. You should allocate more time to your strong sides or colleagues. You should also pay attention to your weak sides or colleagues, but not excessively.

It was my mistake in past years — I invested more time in my weaknesses. Immediately changing this approach is challenging, but I will attempt to correct it and focus more on my strengths.

Yes, soft skills and people management are not my strong suits. I won’t surpass those who possess these abilities naturally. I need to enhance these skills, but not to the detriment of everything else.

I have robust analytical problem-solving skills and a genuine passion for software engineering and leading others, so I should further develop those strengths. It’s amusing that leadership and management are intertwined, yet I hold contrasting attitudes toward each.




Team lead, web developer, support product owner and engineer, photo amateur, gamer, fan of TV shows and big cats.