Thoughts about Feedback

Jun 3, 2023


I wondered if it ok or isn’t ok to criticize and humiliate someone in public. I’ve found this article about that: (it’s a premium one)

It was helpful reading. I found that some and even most people don’t like to be praised in public. It’s mostly a new thing for me. I’ll try to pay attention to that and figure out if this is a thing and what praise needs.

And about criticism, there is the pretty intuitive suggestion that negative feedback should be done right away, preferably in private or semi-private surroundings if possible.

And still, I haven’t found the purpose of delayed negative feedback that is given publicly. It makes you think that such a thing is done to get rid of someone, but I’m not sure. I will continue digging.




Team lead, web developer, support product owner and engineer, photo amateur, gamer, fan of TV shows and big cats.